

This site was made with Gatsby/React. You can find its source code here.

Below are a few of my favorite side projects. You can find more on my GitHub.

What Should I Eat?

A web app for hungry, indecisive people who don't know where to start their search for food. My first major React app, this project taught me a lot about how to (and how not to) structure such an app, how to integrate React with a non-JavaScript backend (Django), as well as how to work with multiple APIs.

  • React
  • Django
  • Yelp API
  • ArcGIS API
  • Google Maps API

Matthew Carey, Voice

A personal website for Matthew Carey, a professional singer and speech-language pathologist. This was my first Gatsby project, and my first project for a client. Creating a CMS and structuring the project in a way that allowed for client content management was an interesting challenge.

  • React
  • Gatsby
  • Netlify CMS
  • GraphQL

What Technology Should I Learn?

This app aggregates tech keywords from job postings to show you what skills are desirable in your area. It taught me a lot about the parsing and manipulation of data (JSON, XML, and HTML), asynchronous operations, and regular expressions.

  • Django
  • GitHub Jobs API
  • Stack Overflow Jobs API

Sudoku Solver

A web application for solving sudoku puzzles. This was one of my earliest projects, and was another great exercise in problem solving. It taught me a great deal about manipulating the DOM, modularity, and recursion. It was made without any frameworks or libraries.

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • CSS Grid

About me

I am a trained musician turned developer. When I'm not programming, you can find me playing clarinet in a local wind band, running, or desperately begging my cat for attention.

Contact me